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Planning Board Minutes 3-2-2017
March 2, 2017
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Chris Condon (Chair), Michael Frosch (Member),          
 Colleen Giffin (Staff), Bob Holmes   (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Lynne Rosansky (Alternate)
Members Absent:   Janet McEwen (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner )
Public Attendees: Kurt Dawson
Applicants: Kevin Fadden, Kevin Delaney
7:00 PM Public  Meeting: Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
 He asked Lynne Rosansky to sit in for Janet McEwen. He also thanked member
Michael Frosch, who will be leaving the planning board, for his three years of
service to the Board. Chair Condon remind the public to please sign in if they
hadn’t. He had the Board members introduce themselves to the public.
Chair Condon then explained the procedure to for the hearing to the public.
He then asked the Secretary to read the public notice.
ITW Application for Lot Line Adjustment
Notice is hereby given that the Antrim Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on
Thursday, March 2, 2017 at its regular meeting beginning at 7:00 PM at the Antrim Town Hall
on an application for a lot line adjustment of land owned by the Bess L. French
Revocable Trust of 2017, Tax Map # 206 Lots 87.3 and 87.4 at 115 Pierce Lake Road
in the Rural District for the purpose of constructing a telecommunications tower on Lot 87.3.  
The Public Notice for the French Lot line adjustment was read. The notice had been
posted on the Town Hall bulletin boards, the Post Office bulletin board, Monadnock Ledger
newspaper, and the Town of Antrim website. The Public Notice and that all the abutters had
been notified by certified mail. No abutters had any comments.
Chair Condon reviewed the checklist and asked for comments from the Board. He stated
that he would read the checklist line by line if anyone wished him to do so. No such request was made.
After reviewing the checklist, Mr. Holmes moved to accept the application of ITW for Bess French for a
Lot Line Adjustment properties located on 115 Pierce Lake Rd (Tax Map 206  Lots 87.1 & 87.4),
Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion. By a voice vote, the
Board unanimously accepted the application.

Public Hearing
Kevin Fadden first gave a brief history of what ITW and Bess French have done so far concerning
the property the cell tower will eventually stand on. Mr. Fadden then went on to present the
lot line adjustment application based on the  September 17, 2015 Notice of Decision Condition number three that states:
  • Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant will apply to the Planning Board for a lot line
  • adjustment to resolve the issue of the facility being located over a property line.
Chair Condon asked opened the floor and asked if any abutters would like to speak for the application.
Kurt Dawson of 104 Pierce Lake Road , is new to town and asked if this was the beginning of the
process or the end. Chair Condon explained that this was the end of the process and that this was
more of a house keeping meeting to make sure ITW complied with condition number 3 of the
Notice of decision. Mr. Dawson said he was for the application.
Chair Condon asked if there were any abutters against the application. There were none.
He asked if there were anyone from the public against the application. There were none.
Chair Condon closed the public hearing
Chair Condon asked if any of the Board members had any questions for either Mr. Fadden or Mr. Delaney.
There were none.
Mr. Frosch made a motion to accept the lot line adjustment application and declare that ITW
had complied with the third condition of the September 17, 2015 Notice of Decision. Mr. Holmes seconded.


Chris Condon
Michael Frosch
Steve MacDonald
Lynne Rosansky
John Robertson
Jeanne Cahoon
Bob Holmes

The application was approved.

Business Meeting
Approve January 19, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Mr. Frosch moved to accept the meeting minutes of January 19.  Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Approve, February 2 2017 Meeting Minutes
Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the meeting minutes of February 2 .  Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Chair Condon brought up the OEP conference. He explained to Ms. Rosansky that all first year
Board members needed to attend this meeting.

Follow up of February 2 Meeting
Chair Condon asked if anyone had any follow-up from the group meeting from on Feb. 2.
Ms. Rosansky brought to the board a concern that the Jump Start group had about what to
do with the monies collected from the participants of the entrepreneur program being offered
at Great Brook School on Mondays and Saturdays. It was agreed by the business committee
that a ten-dollar fee would be collect from each applicant to assure that everyone had
some sort of investment in the program and would be more likely to come back.
Several ideas were discussed; Chair Condon suggested that the committee tell the
applicants that the application money would go towards community programs put on by the Grapevine.
The other Board members agreed that this was a good idea.

Michael Rondeau website bill
The receipts were discussed and a vote to pay for them was put off until next meeting so that
Chair Condon could speak with Mr. Rondeau about some of the charges.

Discussion of Masterplan Priorities
How will the Antrim 2020 plan be incorporated into the Master plan. And what sections might the
board eliminate and which sections will the board judge most important.
Motion: Mr. Holmes moved that The Board begin with the visioning process using the information they
just received, which is still relatively current, from the 2020 group. Putting that on the front and when
the visioning process is done then tackle the rest of the section of the Master Plan on an as need basis. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Mr. Holmes believes the vision statement should be limited to one page. It should be broken into three sections:
First section- where we got it from mention the 2020 committee.
Second- Bullet points almost directly from the 2020 list of important community topics
Third- Bullet points leading into focus items

The Board agreed that the current Master plan has too much text. It is too weighty for the common person to want to read.
A front-page summary for each section may make it easier to read and understand. The Board would like
to modernize the current Master plan, make it more reader friendly.  The Board would even like to see the Master plan
 to a simple brochure that would touch on the subjects important to the community. In addition, if someone wanted more
information the more in-depth document would be available as a reference. The Board agreed that any of the irrelevant information in the plan should be discarded.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Frosch yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes, Cahoon yes, MacDonald yes, Holmes yes, Robertson yes.  
Motion passed to begin with the visioning process using the information they just received, which is still relatively current,
from the 2020 group. Putting that on the front and when the visioning process is done then tackle the rest of the section of the Master Plan on an as need basis.
Mr. Holmes volunteered to make a draft of the Community Vision for the next meeting.
Then the rest of the Board can add any input about bullet points and sections they feel are important or unimportant.

*July 2017-Follow-up for Antrim 2020 groups in a letter form or in person.*

Motion: Mr. Frosch made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned    7:50 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board